2/24: Wednesday Briefing

By sam No comments


  • State-level updates on COVID-19 can be found online in multiple languages at coronavirus.wa.gov, and lots of COVID data displays are available at doh.wa.gov/CovidDataDashboard.
  • Going to wa211.org online or dialing 211 will link you to all sorts of resources for social, health, and financial assistance.
  • Dialing 311 will connect you to the City of Tacoma
  • The state’s Coronavirus hotline is 1-800-525-0127–it’s open 7 days a week 6am-6pm. Mondays have extended hours till 10pm!
  • You can also text the hotline at 211-211


  • The governor has issued an update to an emergency proclamation regarding commercial truck driver hours to align with federal law.
    • Waivers to driver hours have been extended to May 31
    • The full text can be found by following links at coronavirus.wa.gov in the News section.


  • Washingtonians can find out if they are eligible for COVID-19 vaccines online at FindYourPhaseWA.org.
  • No further eligibility tiers or phases have opened up yet, but healthcare workers, first responders, elders 65 years and up, longterm care residents, and those over 50 who live in multigenerational households are all currently eligible.
  • For general info on the vaccine, go to COVIDvaccineWA.org
  • Vaccine shipments that were delayed last week due to weather are expected to be delivered within the next day or two, and the delayed shipments are coming in addition to the doses that were already scheduled to arrive this week.
  • Individuals who are having trouble securing a 2nd dose appointment due to the delays or any other reason can be advised that, according to the Washington State Department of Health, second doses of either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines may be given up to six weeks after the first dose.
  • Eligible King County residents can seek appointment online at kingcounty.gov/vaccine or call 206-263-9600
  • Pierce County residents can sign up for email notifications in advance of future COVID-19 community vaccine events by going to tpchd.org/notify.
  • Pierce County businesses or organizations with capacity to run or facilitate a community vaccination clinic can contact Gabe Moaalii with the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department by emailing GMoaalii@TPCHD.org, or by calling 253-649-1412.
  • Individuals can also go to coronavirus.wa.gov to search for providers, clinics, and pharmacies that may be offering vaccine appointments.


  • The Tacoma Pierce County Health Dept had not yet reported new COVID cases today, but yesterday’s 14-day case rate per 100,000 was 201.
  • Seattle Children’s Hospital is starting a rapid Covid-19 testing program in Auburn elementary schools next month.
    • The program aims to test school staff voluntarily, and students with parental consent, once a week.
    • The hospital will analyze results to determine prevelance of the virus in schools.
    • Auburn will pilot the program, and schools in 9 other districts are slated to join.
  • Peninsula School district No. 401 plans to bring middle schoolers to campus part-time starting Feb 25, and High Schoolers starting March 11th.
    • More information is available at PSD401.net or by calling 253.530.1000.


  • Families with children in grades Kindergarten through 8 may register for spring soccer now online at metroparksTacoma.org and click on the Activities & Sports tab.
    • All practices and games will be run with COVID-19 safety protocols in place including masks.
  • Charles Wright Academy is hosting a free webinar tonight, Feb 24th at 7pm focused on Helping Kids Balance Technology During COVID.
    • The webinar is part of the Parent Education series facilitated by Charles Wright Academy educators.
    • Call (253) 620-8373 for help registering, or Register online at eventbrite.com–just enter “helping kids balance technology” in the search bar.
  • Eloise’s Cooking Pot, a community food bank, has updated its hours.
    • They operate 10:30 am – 4pm Tues-Sat, and are closed on Sundays and Mondays.
    • In response to COVID-19 they are doing a curb-side box service and delivery service only.
    • All closing times are subject to change based on the food bank’s available stock. If the food bank runs out of food prior to our listed closing time, they will close early.
  • Individuals needing tax preparation assistance can get free help through Goodwill’s VITA program by calling 253-573-6750.


  • There are numerous free COVID-19 testing sites in our region, including at Multicare, Franciscan, and Kaiser facilities; at Community Healthcare and SeaMar Community Health Centers; at Cheney Stadium, at the Lakewood State Emissions Testing Center, and more.
    • You can go to coronavirus.wa.gov and follow links for “Find Covid Testing Near Me” for specific locations.
    • In addition to permanent regular testing locations, The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept offers free mobile testing events. The remaining ones this week include:
    • Friday, Feb 26: Rainier View Christian Church in Graham
    • Testing runs 10am-3pm.
    • If you need later hours, the Lakewood State Emissions Inspection Station is open till 5:30pm
    • If your business or organization has the capacity to serve as a mobile testing site, get in touch with Tony Smith of the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department by emailing TSmith@TPCHD.org.
  • Some Walgreens pharmacies also now offer free drive-up rapid antigen testing for people Ages 3 and up, including the Walgreens at 38th & Pacific in Tacoma